Walls And Holes  1
SavableTileTemplateSet Class Reference

The SavableTileTemplateSet class A TileTemplateSet which is tightly bound to a file. Needs to be used with any custom TileTemplateSet (anything other that default map tileTemplates). More...

#include <savabletiletemplateset.h>

Inheritance diagram for SavableTileTemplateSet:
Collaboration diagram for SavableTileTemplateSet:


void saveStateChanged (bool state)

Public Member Functions

 SavableTileTemplateSet (QString savePath, QString name="New Tile Template Set", bool loadedFromFile=false, QObject *parent=nullptr)
const QString savePath () const
void setSavePath (QString path)
void save ()
bool isSaved () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TileTemplateSet
 TileTemplateSet (QString name="New Tile Template Set", QObject *parent=nullptr)
void addTileTemplate (TileTemplate *tileTemplate, bool dontAffectSaveStatus=false)
void removeTileTemplate (int index)
TileTemplatetileTemplateAt (int i)
const TileTemplatecTileTemplateAt (int i) const
QString name () const
void setName (QString name)
int size () const
const QList< TileTemplate * > & cTileTemplates () const
QModelIndex index (int row, int, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex &) const override
int rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
int columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const override
QVariant data (const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const override
bool setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role=Qt::EditRole) override
Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex &index) const override

Protected Member Functions

void changed () override

Detailed Description

The SavableTileTemplateSet class A TileTemplateSet which is tightly bound to a file. Needs to be used with any custom TileTemplateSet (anything other that default map tileTemplates).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SavableTileTemplateSet()

SavableTileTemplateSet::SavableTileTemplateSet ( QString  savePath,
QString  name = "New Tile Template Set",
bool  loadedFromFile = false,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Member Function Documentation

◆ changed()

void SavableTileTemplateSet::changed ( )

Reimplemented from TileTemplateSet.

◆ isSaved()

bool SavableTileTemplateSet::isSaved ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ save()

void SavableTileTemplateSet::save ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ savePath()

const QString SavableTileTemplateSet::savePath ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveStateChanged

void SavableTileTemplateSet::saveStateChanged ( bool  state)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSavePath()

void SavableTileTemplateSet::setSavePath ( QString  path)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: